Novo poglavlje / New Chapter

March 24, 2021

Bio sam taman u onim godinama kad misliš da sve znaš, kad sam prvi put imao priliku da radim na građevini. Bio je to i poslednji put. Nije da mi se nije svidelo, nego su kasnije životne okolnosti tekle drukčije, pa su prilike izostale. Građevina je slična umetnosti u jednoj stvari... Zahteva od tebe samo sve što imaš. Onaj šut, i ti, i špakla i čekić, delite istu energiju, vreme, trenutke slabosti i trijumfa... 

I was just in those years when you think you know everything, when I first had the opportunity to work on construction. It was the last time. It's not that I didn't like it, but later life circumstances were different, so there were no opportunities. Building is similar to art in one thing... It only requires everything you have. That shot, you, the spade and the hammer, share the same energy, time, moments of weakness and triumph…

Tih četrnaest meseci koliko je trajala izgradnja kuće, imao sam priliku da upoznam na desetine različitih majstora. I mogu vam reći, neke od najpametnijih parola u dosadašnjem životu sam pokupio i upio od te iskusne gospode.
Navešću nekoliko primera dok ne zaključim onu prelomnu.
"Ako mi ne možeš pomoći, nemoj mi odmagati", rečenica, koju sam tih meseci često slušao kroz različite tonalitete. I zaista, kad malo odrasteš, sve postane vrlo jasno. Prvo ti postane jasno kakav si kreten bio kao klinac. Drugo, shvatiš koliko zapravo odraslih kretena postoji, tu, oko tebe, na svakom koraku, potpuno čovekolikih. I treće, nekako naučiš da tolerišeš klince kretene, jer uvidiš da ništa više nisu kreteni nego što si i sam bio kreten, kao kreten njihovih godina.

During the fourteen months that the house was built, I had the opportunity to meet dozens of different craftsmen. And I can tell you, I picked up and absorbed some of the smartest slogans in my life so far from that experienced gentleman. I will give a few examples until I conclude the break. "If you can't help me, don't be a hindrance," a sentence I often listened to through different tonalities in those months. And indeed, when you grow up a little, everything becomes very clear. First it becomes clear to what a jerk you were as a kid. Secondly, you realize how many adult jerks there really are, around you, at every step, completely human. And third, you somehow learn to tolerate kid jerks, because you realize that they are no more jerks than you were yourself, in their age.

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Mislim, bilo je tu još prijava, koje se, pre nego ih razumeš, urežu u pamćenje, a shvatiš ih tek mnogo godina kasnije... Kao recimo: "Kloni se venčanja, jedno od njih može biti tvoje". Uglavnom, ono zbog čega sam i pomenuo gospodu od zanata je ta neka sveta mudrost: "Ako nešto kaniš napraviti kako treba, uradi to sam. A litar rakije i olovka za uvetom su solidan aksesoar za početak". Ne, ne, prešvrljajte to. Ne sećam se baš svega od reči do reči, možda sam i izmislio neki deo, ali prilično sam siguran za deo "uradi to sam" i bez čega se ne počinje.

Ovde sam da pišem o događajima, a kako dugo vremena isti ne postoje, poučen majstorskim savetima, uzmem stvar u svoje ruke i odlučim da napravim jedan. Samo da bih imao o čemu da pišem.

I mean, there were other applications, which, before you understand them, are etched in your memory, and you only understand them many years later... Like, let’s say: "Stay away from weddings, one of them can be yours.” Basically, what I mentioned to the gentlemen of the craft is that some holy wisdom: "If you intend to do something properly, do it yourself. And a liter of brandy and a pencil are a solid accessory to begin with.” No, no, flip it over. I don't remember everything from word to word, I may have invented some part, but I'm pretty sure about the "do it yourself" part and without which it doesn't start.

I'm here to write about events, and since they haven't existed for a long time, taught by masterful tips, I take matters into my own hands and decide to make one. Just to have something to write about.

2HOT4STAGE FEST je zvanično i nezvanično, bez dileme, najveći domaći Hip Hop festival. Kad kažem najveći, naravno da ne mislim samo na broj posetilaca ili produkciju kojima festival raspolaže, nego u mernoj jedinici dužnih metara osmeha koje izmamljuje, kao i atmosferi koju nosi. Parametri kojim bi besumnjivo morao da se meri svaki ozbiljan festival.

Ove godine ćemo ostati kratki par hiljada kezova. Makar onih koje mi možemo da uhvatimo pogledom i kamerom. Pre neki dan su nam stigle Sputnjik Light vakcine. Pretpostavljam da su sledeće Zero, i kada stignemo do onih sa ukusom vanile i višnje, verujem da ćemo imati proglašenje pobede nad koronom. 

Do tog trenutka, zadovoljićemo se samo titulom velikog lidera. Srbija je lider u Evropi po broju vakcinisanih, kao i lider u Evropi po broju novozaraženih. Lider smo i po broju PM čestica u vazduhu, ali u ovom trenutku naši mediji kažu da imamo važnijih Nevolja kojima bismo se trebali baviti, pa ćemo vazduh ostaviti za neka srećnija vremena.

2HOT4STAGE FEST is officially and unofficially, without a doubt, the biggest domestic Hip Hop festival. When I say the biggest, of course I don't mean only the number of visitors or the production that the festival has at its disposal, but in the unit of measurement of the long meters of smiles it elicits, as well as the atmosphere it brings. Parameters by which every serious festival would undoubtedly have to be measured.

This year we will be left short of a couple of thousand smiles. At least the ones we can catch with our eyes and camera. The other day we received Sputnik Light vaccines. I guess the next ones are Zero, and when we get to the vanilla and cherry flavored ones, I believe we will have a proclamation of victory over the virus.

Until then, we will be satisfied only with the title of great leader. Serbia is the leader in Europe in the number of vaccinated, as well as the leader in Europe in the number of newly infected. We are also the leader in the number of PM particles in the air, but at this moment our media say that we have more important problems that we should deal with, so we will leave the air for some happier times.

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Bilo kako bilo, neko pametniji od mene mi je nedavno rekao da svako može biti ciničan u ovoj zemlji. Teško je usuditi se da budeš optimističan. Činjenica, koju nisam mogao prihvatiti iz prve, samo zato što sam znao da je tačna. Zato ću do kraja ovog teksta dati svoj maksimum i u skladu sa naslovom ovogodišnjeg festivala otvoriti Novo Poglavlje.

Iako smo potpuno prepušteni vanrednim merama kriznog štaba ne gubimo nadu da će naš iz-vanredni sastav umetnika i krizni vajb makar u nekoj formi biti održiv. Pre svega, čitav događaj smo pomerili za mesec dana kasnije, odnosno na drugu polovinu aprila. Okupili smo sjajnu live-stream ekipu, pa će (neću reći nažalost, jer moram biti optimističan) naši posetioci i ljubitelji plesa, muzike, crtanja, sve radove, takmičenja i instalacije moći ispratiti uživo i potpuno besplatno.
E, sad onaj, stvarno dobar deo!
Taj, drugi, odnosno glavni dan festivala, imaćemo stream sa centralnog podijuma koji će celog dana prenositi plesna takmičenja, od kvalifikacija do finala. Takođe, planirana su direktna uključenja  našeg drugog voditelja programa, sa svih ostalih umetničkih postavki i štandova, a u okviru specijalne emisije One Love Project-a. I na kraju, najduži podcast na ovim prostorima emitovaće se direktno sa lica mesta u improvizovanom studiju My People-a, a u saradnji sa Radio Aparatom, gde ćemo na svakih 20 - 30 minuta imati novog gosta, čitavog festivalskog dana!

Pa malo li je na ovu skupoću?! 

Either way, someone smarter than me recently told me that anyone can be cynical in this country. It’s hard to dare to be optimistic. A fact, which I could not accept at first, just because I knew it was true. Therefore, by the end of this text, I will give my maximum and, in accordance with the title of this year's festival, open a “New Chapter”.

Although we are completely left to the extraordinary measures of the crisis headquarters, we do not lose hope that our extraordinary composition of artists and the crisis vibe will be sustainable, at least in some form. First of all, we postponed the whole for a month, to the second half of April. We have gathered a great live-stream team, so (I will not say unfortunately, because I have to be optimistic) our visitors and fans of dance, music, drawing, all works of art, competitions and installations will be able to watch live and completely free. Well, now the really good part! That second, actually main day of the festival, we will have a stream from the central podium that will broadcast the dance competitions all day, from the qualifications to the finals. Also, direct inclusions of our second host of the program are planned, from all other art settings and stands, as part of the special show of One Love Project. And finally, the longest podcast in this area will be broadcast directly from the spot in the improvised studio of My People, and in cooperation with the Radio, where we will have a new guest every 20-30 minutes, the entire festival day!

That doesn’t come cheap?!

Zaista, bez prikrivenog sarkazma, potrudili smo se da, iako online, prosečnom gledaocu ne može biti dosadno kod kuće ispred naših youtube linkova. 

Ne zaboravimo ni to da prvi i treći dan nisu online, već sa ograničenom posetom, a o samom programu možete pronaći sve informacije na FB event-u festivala - OVDE, kao i na instagram nalogu 2Hot4Stage-a. - OVDE.

Do vakcinisanih nam dupeta i velike pobede nad koronom, okrenite Novo Poglavlje u životima i uzjašite talase livestream frekvencija sedmog 2Hot4Stage festivala!
Jer kako kažu majstori "Za najmanje dve, do tri godine, svi ćemo osetiti boljitak!".

Indeed, without to much sarcasm, we have made sure that, although online, the average viewer cannot be bored at home in front of our youtube links.

Let's not forget that the first and third day are not online, but with a limited capacity of visitors, and you can find all the information about the program on the FB event of the festival - HERE, as well as on the Instagram account of 2Hot4Stage. - HERE.

Until our vaccinated asses and great victory over the virus, turn a New Chapter in our lives and ride the waves of livestream frequencies of the seventh 2Hot4Stage festival! Because, as the masters say, "In at least two, up to three years, we will all feel better!".

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