Imamo Los Anđeles kod kuće / We have L.A. at home

February 03, 2021

Da li ste tokom ove pandemije poželeli da ste plastična voćka sa Aliekspresa koja za razliku od vas, bez ikakvih restrikcija putuje svetom zadnjih godinu dana? Jedno je od pitanja koje ćete sebi postaviti prilikom posete Eugster galerije i izložbe “Imamo Los Anđeles kod kuće” umetnika Vuka Ćuka, koja će trajati do 13. marta. Interaktivna postavka, kakve najviše volimo, se bavi luksuzom, ekologijom i transportom, kao i značenjem tih pojmova u doba pandemije ali i globalne klimatske krize. Deo izložbe su i tri kinetičke skulpture, od kojih je jedna interpretacija Cybertruck modela automobila marke Tesla koji bi trebalo da bude realizovan u stvarnosti 2021. ili 2022. godine.

During this pandemic, did you wish to be a plastic fruit from Aliexpress, which, unlike you, has been traveling the world for the last year without any restrictions? One of the questions you will ask yourself during the visit to the Eugster Gallery and the exhibition "We have Los Angeles at home" by the artist Vuk Ćuk, which will last until March 13. The interactive display, which we love the most, deals with luxury, ecology and transport, as well as the meaning of these terms in the time of the pandemic, but also the global climate crisis. Part of the exhibition are three kinetic sculptures, one of which is an interpretation of the Cybertruck model of a Tesla car that should be realized in reality in 2021 or 2022.

Podelićemo sa vama i deo teksta Natalije Paunić koji fenomenalno opisuje ono što se na ovom mestu može doživeti i o čemu razmišljati. 

We will also share a part of Natalija Paunić’s text with you which phenomenally describes what can be experienced and what to think about while visiting.

"Prva asocijacija na Los Anđeles je često slika sunčanog bulevara sa visokim palmama. Međutim ove palme uopšte ne pripadaju Los Anđelesu. Iako je klima bila odgovarajuća, većina njegove vegetacije je prenesena s drugih mesta – shodno, doduše, istorijskoj kolonijalnoj praksi Amerike. Ali zašto palma? Palma je, kao biljka koje je retko gde bilo na teritorijama zapadne civilizacije, vremenom postala simbol stranog, tropskog, orijentalnog, pa samim tim i onog što neko bogat može sebi da priušti, u čemu tzv. belac* može da uživa (setimo se na primer Gogenovih slika). Ideja večnog odmora i jeste luksuz. Sa druge strane, luksuz ima toliko drugih formi, a većina njih se nalazi, možda baš slikovito, u ovom gradu. Gradske vile, bazeni, automobili, dizajnerski predmeti, organska hrana, privatne žurke, privatni avioni, pogled na holivudski znak. Ipak ideja o jednoj biljci kao statusnom simbolu nosi u sebi nešto dekadentno, perverzno čak, posebno ako je gledamo iz perspektive 2020. godine. U sklopu alarmantnih informacija po pitanju klimatskih promena, nezaustavljivog uništavanja prirodnih staništa, novih virusa koji nastaju, doslovno, konzumacijom divljih životinja, priroda zaista jeste nešto dragoceno."

"Everyone’s first thought of Los Angeles must be that of sunlit boulevards laced with palm trees. However, the trees did not originate in Los Angeles. Even though the weather conditions allowed for it to happen naturally, most of the city’s vegetation was moved from other places – corresponding, in a way, with America’s colonial history. But why palm trees? Palms, having rarely grown anywhere in Western territories, became a symbol of something exciting, tropical, oriental, and therefore something a wealthy person could afford, something a white man could enjoy (take Gaugin’s paintings, for example). The idea of an endless holiday is a type of luxury. On the other hand, luxury comes in so many other shapes, Los Angeles offering itself as a picturesque representation of it. City villas, pools, cars, designer objects, organic food, private parties, private planes, a view over Mount Lee. Yet the idea of a plant as a status symbol bears some sort of decadence, perversion even, especially when seen from the 2020 perspective. In regard to the alarming updates on climate change, continuous destruction of natural habitats, new viruses that emerge, literally, with wild animal consumption, nature truly is something precious."

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"Vuk Ćuk se od početka svoje prakse bavi luksuzom. Stvari koje želi da ima, stvari koje voli, stvari koje ga čine srećnim su bile teme za sebe; to je bionovac (doslovno naslikane novčanice), to su bile Heron Preston čarape, Kenzo kačket, Kavasaki Nindža. Linija njegovog rada, međutim, pravi luk koji kreće od banalizacije dečačkog poimanja vrednosti, a završava se na sedimentaciji ljudske aktivnosti koja je stvorila sopstvenu geološku eru, takozvanu antropocenu. U razmišljanju o tome šta je zapravo luksuz, Los Anđeles je i simboličko i realno mesto (ovde možemo i ne moramo da učitavamo Lakanovu terminologiju). Za Ćuka je on i dalje ipak imaginarno mesto, što je i pokrenulo novu seriju radova nastalih nakon propalih planova koje su mnogi od nas morali da promene usled svetske pandemije. Više od lamentovanja nad odloženim putovanjem, Vuk Ćuk posmatra fenomen zamene vrednosti. Tehnološki napredak, na izložbi objektifikovan interpretacijom Tesla sajberkamiona, automatski se vezuje za pitanje statusa. Ironično, ali i sasvim prikladno, inicijative Ilona Maska za stvaranje kolonija na Marsu ponovo govore o luksuzu: veštačko okruženje u kom će moći da postoji vazduh, dostupan samo određenom sloju populacije; analogno, vazduh jednostavno zaista ima svoju cenu."

"Vuk Ćuk has been dealing with luxury from the beginning of his career. Things he wanted to have, things he liked, things that made him happy were a thing of its own; this was money (literally, painted banknotes on paper), Heron Preston socks, Kenzo hats, Kawasaki Ninja. His line of work, however, makes an arc, starting with an exploration into boyish understanding of value and ending at the sedimentation of human activity that created its own geological era, the so-called anthropocene. Thinking about what luxury really is, Los Angeles is both symbolic and real (you may or may not read Lacan into these terms). For Ćuk, L.A. is still, however, imaginary, which started a series of new works made after his travel plans were cancelled, a situation many of us experienced this year. Rather than lamenting over postponed vacations, Vuk Ćuk is looking at the phenomenon of displaced values. Technological achievements, embodied by an interpretation of Tesla Cybertruck, automatically refer to matters of status. Ironically, and yet aptly, Elon Musk’s initiatives to conquer Mars open up the question of luxury once again: to create an artificial air-facilitating surrounding, available only to a single part of the population; in other words, air truly does have a price."

Ostatak priče možete pročitati na sajtu galerije.
Keep reading on the gallery website.

Adresa galerije / Gallery address: Viline Vode BB (Slobodna zona / Free zone), Objekat 5/L, Beograd
Radno vreme galerije: subotom od 14H do 17H, ili po zakazivanju
Gallery opening hours: Saturdays from 2 pm to 5 pm, or by appointment
tel: +381 63 111 40 78

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