Bringing Back The 90s Event Recap

September 28, 2019

Svi ljubitelji patika koji su se u petak, 27. septembra, našli u našem šopu na trenutak su sigurno pomislili da su se vratili kroz vreme. Zajedno sa brendom adidas organizovali smo Bringing Back the 90s žurku koja je, pored adidas promotera i poznatih influensera, privukla i veliki broj obožavalaca devedesetih. Te večeri su u našem šopu prikazane neke od sneaker ikona – siluete koje su obeležile istoriju brenda, ali i noviteti, inspirisani tim dobom.

*All sneaker lovers who found themselves in our shop on Friday, September 27, must have thought for a moment that they had returned through time. Together with the adidas, we organized a Bringing Back the 90s party which, in addition to adidas promoters and well-known influencers, also attracted a large number of fans in the 1990s. That evening, some of the sneaker icons were shown in our shop - silhouettes that marked the history of the brand, but also novelties, inspired by that era.*

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Posetioci su, osim prilike da razgledaju i kupe veliki broj već poznatih klasika, ali i novih modela, mogli da učestvuju i u brojnim zanimljivim aktivacijama. Događaju je prethodila i aktivacija na Instagramu, tokom koje su svi učesnici objavljivali fotografije na temu devedesetih. Pet najkreativnijih učesnika foto-konkursa dobilo je profesionalni photo shooting, nakon kog su kreirali svoj omot za muzički album.

*Apart from the opportunity to see and buy a large number of already known classics, but also new models, visitors could also participate in numerous interesting activations. The event was preceded by activation on Instagram, during which all participants posted photos on the topic of the 1990s. The five most creative participants in the photo contest received a professional photo shooting, after which they created their own cover for the music album.*

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Zajedno sa njima, svoje omote za album napravili su i Sara Jo i Andrija Jo, koji su ujedno bili domaćini adidas x tike žurke. Pobednički par Instagram aktivacije na poklon je dobio najnovije modele adidas patika.

Svi zainteresovani su na događaju mogli da naprave sopstveni omot muzičkog albuma u specijalno dizajniranoj adidas Originals zoni, dok je tokom cele žurke vladala odlična atmosfera za koju se pobrinuo DJ FANK.

*Together with them, their covers for the album were made by Sara Jo and Andrija Jo, who also hosted the adidas x tike party. The winning pair of Instagram activations received the latest models of adidas sneakers as a gift.*

*Everyone interested in the event could make their own music album cover in a specially designed adidas Originals zone, while during the whole party there was a great atmosphere provided by DJ FANK.*

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