The New Tier of Greatness: Nike Air Fear Of God 1 Triple Black

June 24, 2020

Greatness – engleska reč koja tako mnogo govori, a tako ju je teško adekvatno prilagoditi našem jeziku. Ona je spoj veličanstvenosti, jedinstvenosti, slobode da se dosegnu vrtoglave visine, sinonim za uspeh i neponovljivost. A do tog statusa, složićeš se, nije lako stići!

"Na početku je sve samo san i mašta. Nakon toga sledi odluka o prvom velikom koraku – napuštanju doma i odlasku uz makadam. U tim trenucima je želja o boljem životu sve što imaš i važno je samo da ne odustaješ od nje..."

Albino Svemogucci je prošao svaku od tih životnih etapa. Zagledan u daljinu, zamišljao je kako odlazi na dalek put. S obzirom na to da od rođenja ne vidi dobro, vodič na tom putu bio je On i Njegov glas u galami. Iako na početku nije znao odakle dolazi, odlično je znao od koga dolazi. Osećao je svaki pogled i borio se sa hiljadu prepreka i zatvorenih vrata. Njegov šapat bio je snaga, ljubav, vera i nada koje su mu osvetlile put. Čulo vida zamenilo je čulo sluha i tada je njegova luka postala muzika.

Greatness - an English word that speaks so much, and it is so difficult to adequately adapt it to our language. It is a combination of majesty, uniqueness, freedom to reach dizzying heights, a synonym for success and uniqueness. And that status, you will agree, is not easy to reach!*

"In the beginning, everything is just a dream and imagination. This is followed by a decision on the first big step - leaving home and going along the macadam. In those moments, the desire for a better life is all you have and it is only important that you do not give up on it ..."

Albino Svemogucci has gone through each of these life stages. Staring into the distance, he imagined going on a long journey. Since he did not see well from birth, the guide on that path was He and His voice in the noise. Although he didn't know where he was coming from at first, he knew very well who he was coming from. He felt every look and struggled with a thousand obstacles and closed doors. His whisper was the strength, love, faith and hope that lit his way. The sense of sight replaced the sense of hearing, and then his port became music.*

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Sada više ne čuje glas koji ga je vodio trnovitim putem, jer je upravo njegovglas postao muzika i vodič drugih ljudi. Preko trnja i dalje trči ka zvezdama i visinama, a najbolji saputnik na tom putu za njega su Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black".

Patike koje su plod ponovne saradnje Nike-a i streetwear brenda Fear of God (FOG), predstavljaju dizajnersko remek-delo Jerry Lorenzo-a, osnivača FOG-a, i za kratko vreme su postale omiljene među sneakerhead-ovima. Ovoga puta predstavljene su u koloritu Triple Black, kojim je fokus stavljen na svakodnevnu minimalističku estetiku.

*Now he no longer hears the voice that led him down the thorny path, because it was his voice that became the music and guide of other people. He continues to run across the thorns to the stars and heights, and the best companion on that path for him is the Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black".*

*The sneakers, which are the result of a renewed collaboration between Nike and the streetwear brand Fear of God (FOG), are a designer masterpiece by Jerry Lorenzo, the founder of FOG, and in a short time have become a favorite among sneakerheads. This time, they are presented in the color Triple Black, which focuses on everyday minimalist aesthetics.*


Osnova nove siluete su, kao što se i moglo očekivati, luksuzni košarkaški modeli. Međutim, uprkos tome što je njihov dizajn nadahnut košarkom, duboke Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black" patike predstavljaju vrhunski hibrid high-fashion i streetwear siluete – viziju kako luksuzni streetwear modeli treba da izgledaju u budućnosti.

Gornjište je izrađeno od crne prevrnute kože, mrežastih i neoprenskih materijala i upotpunjeno je još tamnijim đonom i međuđonom. Neverovatan fokus na detaljima, među kojima se posebno ističu kružni sistem pretlanja, mini-swoosh i neoprenska ojačanja, čine ovaj model patika veličanstvenim savršenstvom.

Jerry Lorenzo je jedinstvenim dizajnom "dozvolio" patikama da govore za sebe – da se njihov "glas" daleko čuje. Nema upadljivih boja, nema pompeznosti i ekscentričnosti – samo silueta za koju se može reći da, iako sasvim jednostavna, ima najzanimljiviji kolorit do sada.

*The basis of the new silhouette are, as might be expected, luxury basketball models. However, despite their basketball-inspired design, the deep Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black" sneakers represent a top hybrid of high-fashion and streetwear silhouettes - a vision of what luxury streetwear models should look like in the future.*

*The upper is made of black upturned leather, mesh and neoprene materials and is complemented by an even darker sole and midsole. Incredible focus on details, among which the circular folding system, mini-swoosh and neoprene reinforcements stand out, make this model of sneakers a magnificent perfection.*

*Jerry Lorenzo's unique design "allowed" the sneakers to speak for themselves - to have their "voice" heard far away. There are no striking colors, no pomp and eccentricity - just a silhouette that can be said that, although quite simple, it has the most interesting color so far.*

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U tome je zapravo i suština – u skromnosti uprkos veličanstvenosti. Zato je Albino Svemogucci bio logičan i najbolji izbor za promotera ove patike, jer on i danas ne posustaje na trnovitom putu ka ostvarenju sna. I više se ne plaši ničega – osim Boga.

Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black" uskoro će biti dostupne u Tike šopu u Kralja Petra 24. Prati objave na našem Instagram profilu za sve dodatne informacije.

That, in fact, is the essence - in modesty despite magnificence. That is why Albino Svemogucci was the logical and best choice for the promoter of this sneaker, because even today he does not give up on the thorny path to realizing his dream. And he is no longer afraid of anything - except God.

Nike Air Fear of God 1 "Triple Black" will soon be available in the Tike shop in Kralja Petra 24. Follow the posts on ** our Instagram profile** for all additional information.

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