Sudar svetova / The Clash: Sveta Ra

January 16, 2021

Evo ovi počeli da kite grad. Pa krajnje je vreme bilo. Ja sam očekivao da ćemo tradicionalno u avgustu dobiti novogodišnju rasvetu, ali izgleda da je ova korona I na to uticala. Verujem da nas ne stavljaju u karantin iako se povećava broj obolelih svakog dana, samo da bi smo se šetali po gradu i divili jeftinim kineskim sijalicama sa svake bandere. Meni u mojim godinama moram ti priznati svo to blještavilo nekako teško pada. Sediš kod kuće u polu mraku, jer valja se štedetiti struja, penzije su male, a onda izađem I zaslepi me svetlosni raskoš. Jedino mi je žao što sam u jednom maloj uličici znaš, pa kod mene nisu okiti, jer da mi ovako sve to svetli sa ulice, ja sijalice ne bi ni palio.

Here the decoration the city has begun. Well, it’s last minute. I expected that we would traditionally get New Year's lighting in August, but it seems that this crown also influenced that. I believe that they do not put us in quarantine, although the number of patients is increasing every day, just so that we can walk around the city and admire the cheap Chinese light bulbs from every flagpole. To me at my age I have to admit to you all that glitter somehow falls hard. You sit at home in a semi-darkness, because you have to save electricity, pensions are small, and then I go out and the splendor of light blinds me. My only regret is that I'm in a small alley, you know, so they are not ornate to me, because if it all shone from the street like this, I wouldn't even turn on the light bulbs.

Gospodine Mirsolave, šta vam sve to smeta, neka se ljudi vesele, evo moj oratk radi u firmi zaduženoj za svetiljke, dobra lova tu kapne, podele, zaradi. Moraju ljudi da rade, dovode Bugare ali i Bugari zahvatili koronu. Opet nož u leđa moj Miroslave. Trošili ste vi Miroslave na razne druge stvari tu lovu, za sindikalna letovanja, bunde od nerca, na Bugarske kurve kada moram tako da se izražavam, stariji ste čovek ali sve znate. Zbog takvih mi sada grcamo u dugovima, koji se kao što kažete od zaslepljenih očiju I ne vide. Važno je da sija, manite mesece, ko je uopšte odredio da su praznici samo krajem decembra? Znate, cupike se lože na ove dane, lakše je kupiti medu, mali poklončić i znate ishod, prošli ste sve to. Vi, Miroslave bar imate penziju, šta li ćemo mi kada budemo u vašim godinama, ukoliko ih ikada dostignemo. Zato dajte da slavimo po nekoliko Novih godina za redom, da ubrzamo proces, budemo srećni.

Mr. Mirsolav, what does all this bother you, let people rejoice, here is my friend working in a company in charge of lamps, this is good money, split, earned. People have to work, they bring Bulgarians in, but Bulgarians have also won the crown. Again a knife in the back my Miroslav. You spent that money on various other things, Miroslav, for union vacations, mink coats, on Bulgarian whores when I have to put it that way, you are an older man but you know everything. Because of such people, we are now struggling in debts, which, as you say, cannot be seen by blinded eyes. It is important that it shines, mind these months, who even determined that the holidays are only at the end of December? You know, cups are lit these days, it’s easier to buy honey, a little gift and you know the outcome, you’ve been through it all. You, Miroslav, at least have a pension, what will we do when we are your age, if we ever reach them. So let us celebrate several New Years in a row, to speed up the process, to be happy.

Mada moram ti priznati, hajde i sav taj svetleći kić i šund, nije meni to problem, znaš nekako nema novogodišnjeg duha u narodu. I to ne samo ove godine, nego već neko vreme. Kad sam ja bio mlad, nisi morao da nam staviš rasvetu da bi smo znali da treba da se radujemo jer ide Nova godina, nekako su ljudi na ulicama svojim raspoloženjem signalizirali u kom smo periodu. Sećam se kako smo planirali gde ćemo ići kome ćemo šta kupiti, znaš ti osmesi se prepoznaju, taj praznični optimizam je vidljiv. Sada nekako verujem da je ovo blještavilo samo dodatno baciolo svetlo na to koliko smo ubijeni u pojam, koliko užurbano I pognute glave koračamo uliciama, jer ne znamo šta će biti sutra, ne znamo ni da li ćemo imati para za poklone, jer idu ti krediti. Nekako koračaš spuštene glave da ne gledaš jelku koja košta hiljade i hiljade evra, koja bukvalno kao da ti se ruga sa visine. Tako da, kažem ti, svetla me nateruja da i ja spustim glavu, moda možda je tako i bolje, jer ne vidim lica drugih ljudi koji isto kao i ja užurbano koračaju da se vrate kući u svoj mrak, verujući da ne žaslužuju bolje. 

Although I have to admit, come on, all that shining kitsch and nonsense, it's not a problem for me, you know, somehow there is no New Year's spirit in the people. And not only this year, but for some time. When I was young, you didn't have to turn on the lights for us to know that we should be happy because the New Year is coming, somehow the people on the streets signaled with their mood what period we were in. I remember how we planned where we would go to whom we would buy what, you know those smiles are recognized, that holiday optimism is visible. Now I somehow believe that this glitter only shed additional light on how much we have been killed in the notion, how hurriedly and with our heads bowed we walk the streets, because we don't know what will happen tomorrow, we don't even know if we will have money for gifts, because these loans . Somehow you walk with your head down so as not to look at the Christmas tree, which costs thousands and thousands of euros, which literally seems to mock you from above. So, I'm telling you, the lights make me lower my head, maybe it's better that way, because I don't see the faces of other people who, just like me, are hurrying to return home in their darkness, believing that they don't deserve better.

Upravo sam Vam to i rekao, zabljesne te ono, jedva vidiš, najgore je kada sam na motoru čika Miroslave, jednom sam zamalo sleteo kod Ušća. Posle ćale da plaća popravke, ne bih imao za medu, a meda čini čuda hahaha. Šalim se malo, znate Vi o čemu pričam, baka Olga je bila fina žena, lepa. Opet kažem, dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane, moj ortak dobru lovu uzima od toga. Mora da nabija te godine radnog staža. Ja jedino što nabijam je masa i račun za telefon kako moja majka kaže. Kada dođe koverta mojima svetli kao da je decembar. Hoću da umrem od smeha a ne smem da pokažem. Spustim glavu i ne gledam u oči, dok ne promeni temu. Šta je to za njega Miroslave, radi čovek, privređuje. Moramo se držati zajedno, ne samo kukati. Zaslužujemo bolje ali bolje je odavno preko grane Miroslave. Mi koji smo na ovoj napukloj grani moramo da uživamo dok ne pukne. Kada izbije kuršlus i pogase se lampice, palimo i mi. Možda ne ti, kasno je. Nama nije. Moj Miroslave ništa niste naučili za tolike godine. Ja vam malo persiram, malo ne, ortaci smo mi, razumemo se. Samo mi nije jasno zašto vam sve smeta? Opustite se i uživajte, ne može se to promeniti ništa. Sad će pokloni. Pokloni se Miroslave svom proizvodu, stiže ti pet soma na račun.

I just told you that, it flashes you, you can barely see, the worst is when I'm on Uncle Miroslav's motorbike, I almost landed near Ušće once. After my dad pays for the repairs, I wouldn't have honey, and honey works wonders hahaha. I'm joking a little, you know what I'm talking about, Grandma Olga was a nice woman, beautiful. I say again, until one day it gets dark, the next time it dawns, my friend takes good money from it. He has to spend those years working. The only thing I charge is the mass and the phone bill as my mother says. When the envelope comes to mine, it shines as if it were December. I want to die laughing and I can't show it. I lower my head and don't look into his eyes until he changes the subject. What is it for him, Miroslav, a man does, he earns money. We need to stick together, not just whine. We deserve better, but it has been better for a long time through the branch of Miroslav. We who are on this cracked branch must enjoy it until it breaks. When the bullet breaks out and the lights go out, so do we. Maybe not you, it's late. It's not for us. My Miroslav, you haven't learned anything in so many years. I persuade you a little, not a little, we are partners, we understand each other. I just don't understand why everything bothers you? Relax and enjoy, nothing can be changed. They will give presents now. Bow to Miroslav with your product, you get five soms on your account.

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